
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Some Black Americans have moved to Africa. They are enjoying the substantially lower cost of living and, more important, they said, the absence of the racism and discrimination they experienced in the United States.



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"For less than $50,000, Shoshana Kirya-Ziraba and her husband built a four-bedroom, two-bathroom house on family farmland with goats, turkeys and about 1,000 chickens. [...] According to the Diaspora Affairs Office of Ghana, at least 1,500 African Americans moved to the country between 2019 and 2023. Despite the potential concerns for newcomers " including a wave of extreme anti-LGBTQ policies across the continent " Black Americans are still making the trip."

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-22 10:06 AM | Reply

Trading anti-black for anti-gay is probably a good deal for a lot of people.

#2 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-02-22 11:44 AM | Reply

#3 automatically being a rich person also probably sweetens the deal a little bit.

#3 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-22 12:52 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

#3 automatically being a rich person also probably sweetens the deal a little bit. #3 | Posted by madbomber

Yeah, would figure that's the primary motivator with "racism" taking second. If Blacks didn't flee the US before the Civil Rights Act of '64, would be surprised if any large number of Blacks pick up and move now.

In any event, weird that the reporter mentioned homophobia, as if Black culture is very much concerned about that sort of thing.

#4 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-22 01:31 PM | Reply

Well see how they feel when the gangs want to "spread around the wealth a little bit".

#5 | Posted by boaz at 2024-02-22 01:31 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

Well see how they feel when the gangs want to "spread around the wealth a little bit". #5 | Posted by boaz

Forget the gangs.

You haven't lived till you see the corruption of police in developing nations. Might make one yearn for the George Floyd treatment imposed by US cops, which is typically reserved for those actually breaking the law. As opposed to anyone who looks like they might have two cents to rub together.

#6 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-22 01:54 PM | Reply

"You haven't lived till you see the corruption of police in developing nations."

Those police just want a bribe.

Police here wanted George Floyd dead.

Ours is an entirely different, and worse, kind of corruption.

#7 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-02-22 02:35 PM | Reply

Boaz is terrified of black folk.

#8 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-02-22 02:42 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"In significant numbers, Ghanaians say the police engage in illegal activities, fail to respect citizens' rights, stop drivers without good reason, and use excessive force"

But at least they're not racist. Lol!

#9 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-22 03:53 PM | Reply

If only the bad examples were the ones leaving. They are not though. From what I have read elsewhere, they are usually not all that well received either.

#10 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-02-22 05:28 PM | Reply

"You haven't lived till you see the corruption of police in developing nations."

Those police just want a bribe.

Police here wanted George Floyd dead.

Ours is an entirely different, and worse, kind of corruption.

#7 | Posted by snoofy

I lucked out, young, when a friend told me to ask cops in places like Mexico, where they're looking for a shakedown to supplement meager pay, to ask them, "would you please take the fine to the station for me?" instead of getting a written ticket. Saved me a lot of time and avoids bribery charges if they really decided to turn the wallet screws.

I've had a few encounters with shakedown cops who asked a lot of questions about my life before telling me something ridiculous like "right turns aren't allowed every other Tuesday" or some made up story to make a buck.

#11 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-02-22 11:09 PM | Reply

Why not Russia?

#12 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-02-23 12:29 AM | Reply

The article is really cringe.
Washington, 46, of Houston, relocated to Rwanda in 2020
Rwanda has cheap real estate after one million Tutsi were hacked to pieces in 100 days. That followed 400 years of subjugation and slavery of the Hutu. The civil war spilled into the Congo, another 200k killed, mostly by machete. ~400k rapes.

relocated from Atlanta to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in 2020 and is now based in South Africa
Moving to South Africa was a good move considering all the ISIS murders and rapes in Tanzania in 2021. The situation is much better now thanks to the evil raciest SETAF-AF.

Her older daughter, whose skin tone is deep brown, was no longer "bullied because of her complexion."
She moved to Africa because African Americans were bullying her daughter for being 'too black'.

With the money the Bradleys would have spent on one home in Los Angeles, they were able to buy their three-bedroom, two-bath town house; an investment property; and a home for two of their sons to eventually live in.
So they put LA rent-seeking in a suitcase, took it halfway across the world and bought three houses. Global gentrification.

Sub-Saharan migration to America has been steady for 50 years. About 40,000 a year. They are among the most productive and highly educated Americans. We should double that number, triple it. And at the same time put race-baiting "journalist" like Colette Coleman in the door seat of an east bound Boeing with a one-way ticket.

#13 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-02-23 04:33 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

People immigrate all over the world for all types of reasons. If these folks are happy then good for them

#14 | Posted by GOnoles92 at 2024-02-23 06:13 AM | Reply

Kunta Kinte reverse gear....

#15 | Posted by Monkeybars at 2024-02-23 10:56 AM | Reply

#13- as much as I agree about the author of the article race baiting (can you imagine if they were talking about White Christians rather than Black Muslims wanting to be with their own race and religion?), I wouldn't wish potential harm on anyone. We should put Yav on the seat next to her to make sure she gets there safely.

#16 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-02-23 11:41 AM | Reply


Here you go, white Canadian xtian moving to Russia, lol:


#17 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-02-23 01:10 PM | Reply

#17- cool, let's smear all the families moving to Africa too.

#18 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-02-23 02:20 PM | Reply

(who hopefully don't likeMy Little Pony, as the show has an 18+ rating in the authoritarian country due to once featuring two lesbian ponies).

The added benefit is the 18+ version has extra scenes added which weren't included in the original version.

#19 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-02-23 02:26 PM | Reply

"Police here wanted George Floyd dead."

Yeah. I'm sure the police in Rwanda would have been much more accommodating of a convicted criminal who was on drugs, resisting arrest, and saying he wasn't going to jail.

Surely they would have understood the plight of a black man who suffered under a racist, reactionary bourgeoise establishment, and the fact that he was a criminal and drug addict and didn't want to go to jail wasn't so much his fault as it was absolutely everyone else's but his.

#20 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-23 03:53 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Well see how they feel when the gangs want to "spread around the wealth a little bit"."

Dude...that's the interesting thing. "Income inequality" is a rich people problem. ------ poor people, they just want to eat and have a roof over their heads.

It's only after you have those things, that you also begin to think it a human right to have vacations and cell phones and other material goods.

Income inequality is something that is discussed in coffee shops and cocktail bars. Not in favelas or refugee camps.

#21 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-23 03:56 PM | Reply

My time in Africa has been limited to the Canary Islands and Morocco, but I thought both were very nice. Certainly, livable places.

#22 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-23 04:00 PM | Reply

I watched a YT tourist video of Liberia, it was great. Some of it looked like LA. Prices are very reasonable, and no racism at all.

#23 | Posted by libs_of_dr at 2024-02-23 05:37 PM | Reply

"You haven't lived till you see the corruption of police in developing nations."

I live in a country like this including 20 years of travel and volunteering here. You are likely never going to see the police except in the rare times you get a minor infraction and they're looking for a quick payoff.

Sounds like you've 'lived' most of your life on the internet. What real-life experiences have you had? The gate guard at the all-inclusive gave you a hard time one night?

#24 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-02-23 06:08 PM | Reply

... They are enjoying the substantially lower cost of living and, more important, they said, the absence of the racism and discrimination they experienced in the United States. ...

This sounds familiar, similar to some Republicans wanting their states to secede from the United States.

But, at least what these Backs are doing does not violate the Constitution.

Maybe those Republicans who want to secede should move to Russia. According to Tucker Carlson, it's a great place to live.

#25 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-02-23 06:19 PM | Reply

So only living with people the same skin color solved her problem? Der, ok.

#26 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-02-24 10:48 AM | Reply

watched a YT tourist video of Liberia, it was great. Some of it looked like LA. Prices are very reasonable, and no racism at all.


YT tours are a great idea, I've been meaning to lookup if anything remains from the First Barbary War, especially the 1805 Battle of Derna in modern day Libya.

#27 | Posted by GOnoles92 at 2024-02-24 11:22 AM | Reply

Sounds like you've 'lived' most of your life on the internet. What real-life experiences have you had? The gate guard at the all-inclusive gave you a hard time one night? #24 | Posted by zarnon

You should White-splain to the people of Ghana how their cops are awesome:
"In significant numbers, Ghanaians say the police engage in illegal activities, fail to respect citizens' rights, stop drivers without good reason, and use excessive force"

#28 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-25 08:23 PM | Reply

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