Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Sunday, March 10, 2024

A recent UNRWA document says its staff reported having been tortured while detained by Israeli forces, who pressed them to provide false statements about ties between the agency and Hamas. read more


More mass graves found (you know, the type of mass graves usually associated with ongoing genocides) uncovered in Gaza.

But our resident crusader denies it's a genocide--at least until they are all killed or effectively "neutralized".

"Maybe once they start targeting the 20% of Israeli citizens who are Muslim?"

So the Jews in Germany that helped enable the Nazis kill their brethren in the Holocaust kept the Holocaust from being considered a genocide-- at least until they, too were targeted. Got it.

It has been failing for quite some time. but calling it Biden's strategy is inaccurate. He's simply a symptom of the underlying disease that has been plaguing America since 9-11. Biden is simply an elderly caretaker of a long-broken system. A figurehead of the decaying empire.

Palwatch, LOL. Keep posting that blatant Zionist propaganda, Crusader! It really helps your cause.


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