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This seems similar. Making the case that "farm dust" specifically is protective. Though, definitely possible they are talking about the same bacteria.

By the plain language of the Constitution Trump cannot run for office.


The problem is that the Constitution does not say who can RUN, just who can actually BE President. And it definitely does not say anything about the nomination of candidates by political parties to run for the position of President.

So it isn't technically a Constitution issue. It is a state law issue.

The real question is whether the individual states require that people on the ballot for a political party, and for the general election, to actually be ELIGIBLE to run.

Another wrinkle is that you CAN have an insurrectionist take federal office... it just requires that 2/3 of Congress vote to allow them to. Though we all know that is not going to happen, the courts cannot assume that it will not. So, does the Supreme Court have a right to bar Trump from being on the ballot because he currently could not take office, even though (theoretically) Congress could vote to allow him to take office after he was voted for but before he actually assumed office?

And state laws. Even if they bar candidates who do not meet the requirements of the office from being on the ballot, do they bar candidates who do not CURRENTLY meet the requirements, but COULD meet the requirements at a later date? Or did they even consider that possibility?

I care about the rule of law. And that the Supreme Court upholds that law. If the law does not state that Trump should be barred from the ballot, then he should not be. But, I do think it is important that the Supreme Court be definitive about it. That if they DO allow him to be on the ballot, that they inform voters of whether even if he will be able to actually assume office if he does get "elected".

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