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#3 | Posted by LampLighter


Passed House (05/11/2023)

Secure the Border Act of 2023

This bill makes various changes to immigration law, including by imposing limits on asylum eligibility and requiring employers to use an electronic system to verify the employment eligibility of new employees.


This division requires certain actions related to border security.

(Sec. 102) This section requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume all activities related to constructing a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border that were underway or planned prior to January 20, 2021.

(Sec. 103) This section imposes additional requirements on DHS related to the construction of barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. For example, the bill requires DHS to construct a border wall (including related infrastructure and technology) along at least 900 miles of that border, whereas currently DHS is required to have at least 700 miles of reinforced fencing along that border.

This section also requires DHS to waive all legal requirements necessary to ensure the expeditious construction of the border barriers, whereas currently DHS is authorized to waive such requirements.

(Sec. 104) This section requires U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to submit a strategic five-year technology investment plan to Congress.

(Sec. 105) This section imposes certain documentation and acquisition-related standards on major border security technology acquisitions, generally those that cost at least $100 million based on FY2023 constant dollars.

(Sec. 106) This section requires CBP to (1) ensure that each CBP officer or agent is equipped with a two-way communication device, (2) fully implement the Border Security Deployment Program (a border surveillance program), and (3) upgrade license plate readers as needed at ports of entry along the northern and southern


Do tell, are you being intentionally obtuse...


Can't even come up with the word "Hamas"

The number of videos of 'pappy sundowning are damn near endless

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