Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Drudge Retort



Special Features


Bush Countdown Clock

Add the Clock to Your Desktop

On a Windows system, you can add the Bush Countdown Clock applet directly to your desktop. This has only been tested on Windows 2000, but it should work on Windows Me also as long as your version of Internet Explorer is current (separate instructions are available for Windows XP users and Windows 98 and 95 users).

To add the applet directly to your Windows 2000 or Windows Me desktop:

1. Right-click an empty area on your desktop, then choose the menu command Active Desktop | New Desktop Item... . The New Active Desktop Item dialog box will open.

Adding the Bush Countdown Clock to Windows Active Desktop.

2. In the Location text field, enter the text http://www.drudge.com/bushclock/timer and then click the OK button. The Add Item to Active Desktop dialog box will open.

Adding the Bush Countdown Clock to Windows Active Desktop.

3. Click the OK button. The Bush countdown clock will be added to your desktop with a lot of empty space below the applet.

Adding the Bush Countdown Clock to Windows Active Desktop.

4. If you would like to adjust the size of the applet on your desktop, place your mouse over an edge you would like to move. After a few seconds, your cursor will change to an up-down arrow or a left-right arrow. When it does, drag the edge to change the size.

Adding the Bush Countdown Clock to Windows Active Desktop.

5. You can also move the applet to a different spot on your desktop. Place your mouse over the applet. After a few seconds, a gray border will appear around it. Drag the top edge of this border (the title bar) to a new location.

Adding the Bush Countdown Clock to Windows Active Desktop.

6. Once you like the size of the applet and its location on your desktop, you can lock it in place. Right-click an empty area of your desktop, then choose the menu command Active Desktop | Lock Desktop Items to prevent it from being accidentally moved.

Adding the Bush Countdown Clock to Windows Active Desktop.

7. After the applet has been added to your desktop, it may disappear occasionally after you reboot. To bring it back, right-click the applet window and choose the Refresh menu command.

If you have any problems with this, please send the details in e-mail so I can update this page.

See the Clock